About Me

Welcome to the about me of Austin

My Story

By me

I am from a small town that is east of Green Bay, where I was born and raised. I went to school there all of my life, and did a few different clubs and activities. The main one I did was boy scouts, where I got my Eagle Scout with a different troop than the one I started in. There is an article more about my Eagle Scout project here. Otherwise I did a few other activites that don't have a cool article at all, but for one we placed second at an international competition.

During my senior year of high school, I worked at the local tech college to work on and eventually obtaining a Youth Apprentiship for IT. At this time, it made me want to do IT work even more, thus resulting me to go into IT. After I graduated, I attended the same local tech college where I would work part-time either in the bookstore or IT and I would be doing school full-time. During COVID, I wasn't able to work but I still was able to do online school, sadly. I got through the online classes and graduated with two Associate degrees, one in System Admin, and the other in Cyber Sec.

After I graduated, I was hired full time at a university, and I was a student part-time for my Bachelor's in Comp Sci with an emphasis in Cyber Sec. I have finished my degree, I was able to move into a role that focus on Cybersecurity, System Administration, and a dash of networking.

See what I watched

Shows and Anime alike!

Here is my anime/manga list: Austin's Anime/Manga List

Here is my TV Show list: Austin's TV Shows

FOSS I Recommend

Free, Open Source Software!

OS: OpenSUSE or Debian

Photos: Ente (Paid but FOSS)

Music Player: Android - VLC iOS-Foobar2000

Photo Editing: GIMP

Torrenting Clients: Transmission or qBittorrent (depends if you need GUI and hardware limits)

Text editor: Notepad++

Office suite: Libreoffice

Web Browser: Firefox, Librewolf, and Tor (depends on use case)

Messager: Signal

Notes app: Joplin

Password Manager: Bitwarden and Keepass

Media Server: Jellyfin

Youtube Frontend: Piped

Video downloader: yt-dlp

pic of me

Austin Gallenberger

Greetings and saluations to is my blog/website. Here you will find my posts about what I am up to, just random sites, or things that I think are cool. Stay as long as you want, and feel free to check this page out more in the future, where I will hopefully have updated this.